Handley Gill Limited

Our expert consultants at Handley Gill share their knowledge and advice on emerging data protection, privacy, content regulation, reputation management, cyber security, and information access issues in our blog.

Licence to hack?

Home Office Minister Lord Sharpe has confirmed that, following intensive lobbying by pockets of the cyber security industry, the government intends to pursue the introduction of a statutory public interest defence to the offences under the Computer Misuse Act 1990 (‘CMA’). Handley Gill Limited’s consultants consider the implications for cyber resilience, the protection of personal data and IP, and the ability of law enforcement to prosecute offences.

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Balancing act… falls off a cliff

Handley Gill Limited’s consultants consider the implications of the withdrawal of the Bill of Rights for freedom of speech, the protection of confidential journalistic sources and defamation, data protection, and misuse of private information  claims against the media.

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Pride 2023: Take pride in your processing

Effective data protection compliance measures can promote, empower and protect the LGBTQIA+ community and can not only assist organisations in identifying and eliminating discrimination, but also in supporting LGBTQIA+ individuals and enabling them to have their gender identity and sexual orientation recognised.

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A bridge to nowhere?

A commitment to establishing a UK-US data bridge, which would take the form of adequacy regulations being issued by the Secretary of State pursuant to section 17A Data Protection Act 2018, has been announced. Since this bridge is likely to be contingent on the European Commission issuing its own adequacy decision, and the draft has recently been rejected by the European Parliament, data exporters will be reliant on the Commission ramming through the roadblock or will find themselves stuck in traffic on the UK-US data flyover.

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Slapp down

Additional protections to be granted to defendants to protect free speech in defamation, data protection and misuse of private information claims concerning economic crime from SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) in government amendment to Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill.

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Handley Gill’s data protection consultants consider recent supply chain cyber attacks, including the unfolding of the recent Capita and Zellis / MOVEit data breaches, and identify the steps data controllers should take when engaging data processors as part of their supply chain or giving third parties access to personal data, and the lessons to be learned for vendor management throughout the data processing lifecycle.

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Data Downgrade Down Under?

Handley Gill Limited’s data protection consultants consider the implications of the 2021 Free Trade Agreement between the UK and Australia - taking effect on 31 May 2023 - for the protection of personal data and the ease of international transfers of personal data.

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Handley Gill Limited’s specialist consultants have compiled 5 facts about the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to mark the 5th anniversary of the GDPR taking effect across the EEA on 25th May 2023. Happy 5th birthday GDPR!

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Golden Hour Extended

Handley Gill Limited’s consultants consider the impact of the government’s announced delay to the promised post-Brexit sunset of all retained EU law by the end of 2023 and amendment of the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform Bill) on the UK’s data protection legislative framework.

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On Hand April 2023

April 2023 edition of Handley Gill’s monthly digital newsletter, with all the latest developments in data protection (UK, EU and global), cyber security, AI and machine learning, content regulation, open justice, access to information, reputation management and digital markets regulation. Presented in a readily digestible digital format, those who prefer the traditional newsletter format can export the newsletter to pdf.

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On Hand March 2023

March 2023 edition of Handley Gill’s monthly digital newsletter, with all the latest developments in data protection, cyber security, AI and machine learning, content regulation, access to information and reputation management. Presented in a readily digestible digital format, those who prefer the traditional newsletter format can export the newsletter to pdf.

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New and improved?

The Second Reading of, and first chance for Parliament to debate, the government’s second attempt to reform the UK’s data protection legislation, in what it has described as the “improved” and “common-sense-led” Data Protection and Digital Information (No.2) Bill (Bill 265 2022-23) takes place on 17 April 2023. Handley Gill’s specialist data protection consultants consider its impact on the UK’s existing data protection legislation and identify amendments that would improve the Bill.

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What's missing from the Computer Misuse Act 1990?

Handley Gill Limited’s consultants respond to the Home Office consultation on proposals to revise the Computer Misuse Act 1990 to introduce additional powers for law enforcement bodies to takedown and seize domains and IP addresses and, require the preservation of data, as well as to introduce new offences and stronger sentencing for the copying of data. We also call for stronger cyber resilience legislation, through the introduction of minimum cyber security standards, while rejecting lobbying efforts for a blanket public interest defence to CMA offences. Finally, we advocate for stronger extra-territoriality of CMA offences and stronger sentencing powers and associated guidance.

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On Hand February 2023

February 2023 edition of Handley Gill’s monthly digital newsletter, with all the latest developments in data protection, cyber security, AI and machine learning, content regulation, access to information and reputation management. Presented in a readily digestible digital format, those who prefer the traditional newsletter format can export the newsletter to pdf.

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Nicola CainComment
Your money... and your life?

New cyber sanctions imposed by the UK and US governments against Russian nationals expose victims of ransomware, and their individual directors and officers, to criminal liability in the event that ransom payments are made.

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SIT down...

The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, has announced that a new government department is to be created, the Department for Science, Technology & Innovation, which is likely to take on responsibility from DCMS for online safety and data protection.

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You know how i feel

Handley Gill Limited, and its specialist data protection consultants, respond to the Information Commissioner’s (ICO’s) consultation on its draft ‘Employment practices and data protection: information about workers’ health guidance, which address the use of special category data concerning health in the context of maintaining sickness, injury and absence records, occupational health schemes, conducting medical examinations and testing (including drug testing) and other health monitoring.

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