Handley Gill Limited

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Posts tagged Department for Science Technology & Innovation
New and improved?

The Second Reading of, and first chance for Parliament to debate, the government’s second attempt to reform the UK’s data protection legislation, in what it has described as the “improved” and “common-sense-led” Data Protection and Digital Information (No.2) Bill (Bill 265 2022-23) takes place on 17 April 2023. Handley Gill’s specialist data protection consultants consider its impact on the UK’s existing data protection legislation and identify amendments that would improve the Bill.

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What's missing from the Computer Misuse Act 1990?

Handley Gill Limited’s consultants respond to the Home Office consultation on proposals to revise the Computer Misuse Act 1990 to introduce additional powers for law enforcement bodies to takedown and seize domains and IP addresses and, require the preservation of data, as well as to introduce new offences and stronger sentencing for the copying of data. We also call for stronger cyber resilience legislation, through the introduction of minimum cyber security standards, while rejecting lobbying efforts for a blanket public interest defence to CMA offences. Finally, we advocate for stronger extra-territoriality of CMA offences and stronger sentencing powers and associated guidance.

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SIT down...

The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, has announced that a new government department is to be created, the Department for Science, Technology & Innovation, which is likely to take on responsibility from DCMS for online safety and data protection.

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