Handley Gill Limited

Our expert consultants at Handley Gill share their knowledge and advice on emerging data protection, privacy, content regulation, reputation management, cyber security, and information access issues in our blog.

Posts tagged Law Enforcement
Now you see me...

As police forces are encouraged by the government to expand their use of live facial recognition technologies, with the Prime Minister announcing additional funding, Handley Gill Limited’s specialist consultants consider the legal issues that arise and the actions that Chief Constables and forces must take prior to deploying or even procuring LFR for law enforcement purposes.

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Handley Gill’s specialist data protection consultants consider the conclusions and implications of the College of Policing’s review of Lancashire Constabulary’s handling of the investigation into the disappearance of Nicola Bulley for the processing of personal data for law enforcement purposes by police forces and other competent authorities under Part 3 Data Protection Act 2018.

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PSNI Blues

Reflecting on the reprimand issued by the Information Commissioner against the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) for unlawfully transferring personal data processed for the law enforcement purposes under Part 3 Data Protection Act 2018 to the USA, Handley Gill’s consultants identify the elements of a compliance programme that would mitigate against such incidents and have produced a downloadable pdf illustrating each lawful basis for transferring personal data processed under Part 3 DPA 2018 overseas.

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What's missing from the Computer Misuse Act 1990?

Handley Gill Limited’s consultants respond to the Home Office consultation on proposals to revise the Computer Misuse Act 1990 to introduce additional powers for law enforcement bodies to takedown and seize domains and IP addresses and, require the preservation of data, as well as to introduce new offences and stronger sentencing for the copying of data. We also call for stronger cyber resilience legislation, through the introduction of minimum cyber security standards, while rejecting lobbying efforts for a blanket public interest defence to CMA offences. Finally, we advocate for stronger extra-territoriality of CMA offences and stronger sentencing powers and associated guidance.

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In the Firing Line?

ICO25, the Information Commissioner’s new draft strategic plan for the period 2022-25, currently open for consultation, identifies 15 industry sectors and data processing activities proposed to be the intended focus of the Commissioner’s investigations and enforcement activity in relation to data protection and the processing of personal data under the UK GDPR, Data Protection Act 2018 and Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR), including recruitment, banking and finance, biometrics, the care sector, gambling, CCTV, law enforcement, health, AI and algorithms.

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Who's Under Investigation?

The Information Commissioner recently published an opinion, 'Who’s Under Investigation? The processing of victims’ personal data in rape and serious sexual offence investigations', which calls on the police, CPS and other prosecution agencies to overhaul their approach to the obtaining and retention of victim personal data.

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Exclusive: Information Commissioner’s Office kisses source protection goodbye

Exclusive: Information Commissioner’s Office breached obligations when targeting journalists’ sources by conducting raids over Hancock snog CCTV footage

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Too Many Phish in the Sea!

DCMS has recently published its Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2022, based on data gathered by IPSOS MORI over winter 2021/22, which reveals that businesses and charities continue to be under prepared to respond to inevitable cyber security incidents and data breaches.

In this post, we highlight some of the key findings of the survey and identify advice, guidance and free solutions to common cyber resilience shortcomings.

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Protective MeasuresNicola CainHandley Gill Limited#CyberSecurity, #DataBreach, #CyberAttack, #Phishing, #Ransomware, #GDPR, #UKGDPR, #DPA2018, #DCMS, #CyberSecurityBreachesSurvey, #CyberSecurityBreachesSurvey2022, #DataBreachStatistics, #Malware, #CyberResilience, #CyberInsurance, #IncidentResponse, #CyberSecurityIncident, #DataBreachResponse, #SMEs, #Charities, #Business, #Charity, #Retail, #Education, #NCSC, #PoliceCyberAlarm, #NPCC, #LawEnforcement, #ActionFraud, #Police, #Sanctions, #SupplyChainRisk, #ThirdPartyRisk, #Training, #Logging, #TechnicalAndOrganisationalMeasures, #Penalties, #Article28, #Article32, #DataProtection, #Compliance, #SupplyChainSecurity, #CyberSecurityStrategy, #IncidentResponsePlan, #Trustees, #BusinessContinuity, #DisasterRecovery, #DataBreachReporting, #CyberCover, #IncidentReporting, #CSuite, Cyber Security, DCMS, Ransomware, Data Breach, Supply Chain Risk, Directors, Law Enforcement, Police, NCSC, National Cyber Security Centre, Cyber Attack, GDPR, UK GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation, DPA 2018, Data Protection Act 2018, Department for Culture, Cyber Security Breaches Survey, Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2022, Data Breach Statistics, Malware, Cyber Resilience, Cyber Insurance, Incident Response, Cyber Security Incident, Data Breach Response, SMEs, Micro Businesses, Charities, Start Ups, Retail, Education, Police CyberAlarm, NPCC, National Police Chiefs' Council, Action Fraud, Information Security, Cyber Crime, Sanctions, Third Party Risk, Training, Logging, Technical & Organisational Measures, Protective Measures, Costs, Fines, Administrative fine, Penalties, Monetary penalty, Data Protection, Article 28 GDPR, Article 32 GDPR, Article 28 UK GDPR, Article 32 UK GDPR, Compliance, Cyber Griffin, Cyber Essentials, Supply Chain Security, Cyber Security Strategy, Incident Response Plan, Breach Response Plan, Data breach costs, Trustees, Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, Data Breach Reporting, Cyber Insurance Cover, Incident Reporting, C Suite, Data Controller, Data ProcessorComment
Deep Impact on Data Protection Impact Assessments

Data controllers should revisit their Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs).

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