Artificial Intelligence (AI) Risk Assessments (AIRAs)
Outsourced Artificial Intelligence (AI) Responsible Officer (AIRO)
Governance & Oversight Frameworks
Algorithmic Transparency Recording Standard (ATRS) Reports
Human Rights, Democracy & the Rule of Law Impact Assessments (HUDERIA)
Fundamental Rights Impact Assessments
Equality Impact Assessments
Human Rights Impact Assessments
Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Risk Assessments (AIRAs) - Outsourced Artificial Intelligence (AI) Responsible Officer (AIRO) - Governance & Oversight Frameworks - Algorithmic Transparency Recording Standard (ATRS) Reports - Human Rights, Democracy & the Rule of Law Impact Assessments (HUDERIA) - Fundamental Rights Impact Assessments - Equality Impact Assessments - Human Rights Impact Assessments - Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) -
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
We work with organisations developing or seeking to deploy artificial intelligence, to assess AI risk, identify and implement practical measures to improve AI safety and ethics, maintain ongoing monitoring, establish governance mechanisms and create and manage redress mechanisms, having regard to legal and regulatory obligations from data protection and intellectual property to human rights, discrimination and bias.
We also work with individuals affected by the use of AI.
At Handley Gill, we have developed a bespoke modular AI risk assessment (AIRA), capturing information security, data protection, human rights, IP, equality and wider ESG risks and mitigations and work with clients to draw together the relevant expertise from across their organisation to co-ordinate the conduct of AIRAs, implement their conclusions and keep them under review.
We can act as an outsourced AI Responsible Officer (AIRO).
Access our Artificial Intelligence (AI) Resources page, including AI CAN, Handley Gill’s Artificial Intelligence Capability and Needs Assessment to understand your organisation’s readiness to deploy AI responsibly, safely, ethically and in accordance with its ESG obligations.
Follow our dedicated artificial intelligence (AI) Twitter/X account.
Handley Gill’s specialist data protection consultants discuss the history of Data Protection Day and propose methods to utilise the celebration of the anniversary to further your organisation’s data protection compliance in line with this year’s theme ‘A New Mandate for Data Protection’ in light of emerging technologies and legislative change.