Handley Gill Limited

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Posts tagged Article 9(1) UK GDPR
Barely recognisable?

Handley Gill Limited’s consultants respond to the Information Commissioner’s consultation on the draft Biometric Data Guidance Phase 1. We call for clarity on the circumstances in which the deployment of biometric recognition technologies will be considered to be lawful, particularly in the context of employment and the workplace, confirmation that a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) will always be required when deploying biometric recognition technologies and inclusion of the benefits and risks of biometric recognition. Finally, we argued for greater clarity about the requirements for further processing of special category biometric data.

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Pride 2023: Take pride in your processing

Effective data protection compliance measures can promote, empower and protect the LGBTQIA+ community and can not only assist organisations in identifying and eliminating discrimination, but also in supporting LGBTQIA+ individuals and enabling them to have their gender identity and sexual orientation recognised.

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