Handley Gill Limited

Our expert consultants at Handley Gill share their knowledge and advice on emerging data protection, privacy, content regulation, reputation management, cyber security, and information access issues in our blog.

Posts tagged CMA
Washed-up or fallen down the plughole?

Following the announcement on 22 May 2024 of the snap General Election to take place on 04 July 2024, Parliament has been prorogued with effect from 24 May 2024 (meaning Parliamentary business is suspended thereafter) and will be dissolved with effect from 30 May 2024. The brief period between the announcement of the election and prorogation is known as wash up, when political parties must negotiate to pass outstanding Bills, or parts of them, or Bills fall. Prorogation also bring an end to the work of the various Parliamentary Committees. Handley Gill’s consultants consider which Bills have been washed up and which have fallen in the context of cyber security, data protection, online safety, artificial intelligence (AI), digital markets, content regulation, reputation management, open justice, access to information, human rights and ESG, as well as the work of Parliamentary Committees which were either rushed out or dropped.

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AI regulation in the UK: in out in out shake it all about

Handley Gill’s consultants analyse the Government’s response to its consultation on the White Paper ‘A pro-innovation approach to AI regulation’, published on 06 February 2024, and its implications for AI developers and UK creators, business and the public, identifying the steps the Government has committed to take.

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Let the cookie crumble…

As the Information Commissioner warns websites they have 30 days to achieve cookie compliance or face regulatory enforcement action, Handley Gill’s specialist data protection consultants advise on how to ensure that the Information Commissioner’s appetite for enforcing cookie compliance under PECR isn’t a recipe for disaster for your organisation. While amending your cookie banner is a bitter pill to swallow, your website won’t be toast and you can avoid having to eat humble pie.  

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Licence to hack?

Home Office Minister Lord Sharpe has confirmed that, following intensive lobbying by pockets of the cyber security industry, the government intends to pursue the introduction of a statutory public interest defence to the offences under the Computer Misuse Act 1990 (‘CMA’). Handley Gill Limited’s consultants consider the implications for cyber resilience, the protection of personal data and IP, and the ability of law enforcement to prosecute offences.

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What's missing from the Computer Misuse Act 1990?

Handley Gill Limited’s consultants respond to the Home Office consultation on proposals to revise the Computer Misuse Act 1990 to introduce additional powers for law enforcement bodies to takedown and seize domains and IP addresses and, require the preservation of data, as well as to introduce new offences and stronger sentencing for the copying of data. We also call for stronger cyber resilience legislation, through the introduction of minimum cyber security standards, while rejecting lobbying efforts for a blanket public interest defence to CMA offences. Finally, we advocate for stronger extra-territoriality of CMA offences and stronger sentencing powers and associated guidance.

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HM Coroner vs the Online Safety Bill

As the deadline approaches for the government and social media platforms to respond to HM Coroner’s recommendations in the Prevention of Future Deaths report following the Molly Russell inquest verdict, Handley Gill considers how the recommendations stack up against the provisions of the Online Safety Bill.

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