Handley Gill Limited

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Posts tagged ICO25
PSNI Blues

Reflecting on the reprimand issued by the Information Commissioner against the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) for unlawfully transferring personal data processed for the law enforcement purposes under Part 3 Data Protection Act 2018 to the USA, Handley Gill’s consultants identify the elements of a compliance programme that would mitigate against such incidents and have produced a downloadable pdf illustrating each lawful basis for transferring personal data processed under Part 3 DPA 2018 overseas.

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Truss calls time for TikTok?

As Conservative Party Leadership Contest candidate Liz Truss threatened to crack down on ByteDance, the Chinese owner of social media platform TikTok, during the BBC’s News Special ‘Our Next Prime Minister’ on 25 July 2022, we explore how she might seek to do that under the National Security and Investment Act 2021, through amendments to the Online Safety Bill and/or Data Protection and Digital Information Bill and through the actions of regulators Ofcom and the Information Commissioner.

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In the Firing Line?

ICO25, the Information Commissioner’s new draft strategic plan for the period 2022-25, currently open for consultation, identifies 15 industry sectors and data processing activities proposed to be the intended focus of the Commissioner’s investigations and enforcement activity in relation to data protection and the processing of personal data under the UK GDPR, Data Protection Act 2018 and Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR), including recruitment, banking and finance, biometrics, the care sector, gambling, CCTV, law enforcement, health, AI and algorithms.

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