Data Protection Reform

 Data Protection Reform

Data protection reform progress

Data protection reform progress

The United Kingdom’s data protection regime will be reformed
— Queen's Speech (10 May 2022)
Today, the Government is introducing the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill in the House of Commons... We now have the opportunity to seize the benefits of Brexit and transform the UK’s independent data laws. We have designed these new updates to our data protection framework so it works in our interests, protects our citizens, and unburdens our businesses. Through this Bill we will realise the opportunities of responsible data use whilst maintaining the UK’s high data protection standards... We are reducing the burdens on businesses that have held the UK back from the benefits of greater personal data use before now. By focussing on outcomes not box-ticking, we will unburden businesses from prescriptive requirements and empower them to protect personal data in the most proportionate and appropriate way.
— Matt Warman MP, Minister for Media, Data & Digital Infrastructure (18 July 2022)
... we will be replacing GDPR with our own business and consumer-friendly, British data protection system
— Michelle Donelan MP, Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (03 October 2022)